Friday, 18 May 2012

NADA's exco 2012/2013

NADA- Nutrition and Dietetics Students Association.

well, I really love to say that word : NADA, nada, NADA..
cuz its a nice word is it? IS IT??? please say YESS !

well, I wanna share my life as an exco. exco paksaan ye kawan-kawan.
again, EXCO PAKSAAN.. tanpa rela ku di heret ke lembah ini..
the thing yang stole my time, my life as a student.. errr..

ya, being an exco, kau kena berkorban masa, tenaga, usaha, perasaan..
sebab tak semua yang kita buat mampu puaskan hati orang lain..

I was born not to amazed each people I met. cukuplah hidup ni untuk redha Dia. untuk dapatkan kasih sayang Dia.

err.. back to NADA. ya, bukan tugas yang mudah. but I take it as a responsibility.
amanah yang dianugerahkan. people have their own reasons why we are chosen.
so, just do it. take it positive. never give up..(walaupun sometimes I feel like I'm gonna die)

EXCO NADA UITM 2012/2013
haaa ! jeng jeng jengg.. this is NADA! the exco's of NADA.
ye, ye. yang tembam montel pipi tu saya. ye, saya sedar.
isk, iskkkk..

doakan kami mampu bertahan for one year holding this position.
amanah Allah yang perlu digalas. one of the fardhu kifayah I guess. insya Allah ~